Love Needs: The Book


Here is the book and assessment that has helped thousands of couples find new ways to love better. Great for couples, counselors, pastors and small groups.

“Spectacular set of tools.” Paula Rinehart, author of Strong Women, Soft Hearts
“Love Needs will strengthen the best of marriages . . .”    Dr. Henry Oursler, President, LeaderShape
“Highly commend it to couples and counselors.”            Sam R. Williams, PhD, Professor of Counseling, S.E.B.T.S.
“A resource to . . . breathe new life into hurting couples.”        Tim and Joy Downs, authors of Fight Fair
“A workable path to a maximum marriage.”   Dick Purnell, Cru Staff, author of sixteen Christian books
“Well written, easy to read, full of helpful steps.”    Sharon May, PhD, Founder of Safe Haven Relationship Center
“A big “Thank you”.  What a great resource!”   Anthony Thomas, Executive Director, Marriage Menders


Watch and learn about what this book offers from this studio podcast with author Dr. Mike Garrett and Jay Izso